Liquor Cotumni | ODD X Nove25


Liquor Cotumni | ODD X Nove25
Liquor Cotumni | ODD X Nove25

Within us flow silent rivers, vital currents that dance to the rhythm of the heart.
Blood, red as the sunset, nourishes and brings warmth, uniting beats into a single breath Lymph, delicate and transparent like morning dew, protects and purifies, slowly slipping through the veins of the soul.

Tears, tiny salty gems that reveal secrets of joy and sorrow, blend into the sea of emotions.
The Sweal, the humid witness of toil, speaking of struggles, dreams, and triumphs.

And then Sperm, the seed of life, flows like a whispered promise in the darkness, carrying within it the power of a hidden universe, ready to sprout in the mystery of tomorrow.

The body's fluids are poetry in motion an invisible symphony that keeps us alive.

Liquor Cotumni | ODD X Nove25
Liquor Cotumni | ODD X Nove25

In the secret recesses of the ear, where silence transforms into sound delicate and precious fluids are hidden.
Perilymph and Endolymph, twin dancers, subtly vibrate as sound waves pass through, translating noise into music for the soul. Guarded within the labyrinth of hearing, these invisible waters allow us to perceive the world, modulating balance and harmony. Their movement is a liquid whisper, an imperceptible dance that guides us through the universe of sounds.

Liquor Cotumni | ODD X Nove25
Liquor Cotumni | ODD X Nove25

Photo Credits: Sara Scanderebech

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